The Rossville School Foundation is a 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit organization whose mission is to Unlock the Future for our children by encouraging and assisting public education in the pursuit of excellence.
We Raise Funds for:
Scholarships (3 $1000 per year)
Classrooms (Teacher gifts given twice per year)
Teacher Grants awarded each fall.
Academic Banquet sponsorship
Need to contact the foundation? Please email
Our foundation has raised over $190,000 since 1995!
Rossville School Foundation 2023-2024
President- Roberta Huffman
Vice President - Doug Brovont
Secretary- Andrea Kreps
Treasurer- Audette Taylor
Assistant Treasurer- Linda Martin
Rossville School Foundation Members
Tennille Darnell
Andrea Brown
Bonnie Lanum
Noah Freeman
Peyton Mohler
Diane Malson
Jessica Kelley
Josh Richey
District Superintendent – Dr. James Hanna
High School Principal – Mike Hammons
Elementary Principal – Chad Dennison
Elementary Teacher Rep – Alisha Maish
Middle/High School Teacher Rep – Beverly Ploughe